Frequently Asked Questions

What does FRM stand for?

Family Relationship Manager

If I am not a Funeral Home can I still sign up for your services?

Yes, we can accommodate any type of business

Is my data safely stored?

Yes, Mogul Clients does not host any product systems or data within its physical offices. Mogul Clients outsources hosting of its product infrastructure to leading cloud infrastructure providers such as Google Cloud Platform Services and Amazon Web Services. Our product infrastructure resides in the United States. We place reliance on Google’s and AWS’s audited security and compliance programs for the efficacy of their physical, environmental, and infrastructure security controls.

Google provides a monthly uptime percentage to customers of at least 99.5%. You can find more information about the controls, processes, and compliance measures implemented by Google on their publicly available Compliance Resource Center.

AWS guarantees between 99.95% and 100% service reliability, ensuring redundancy to all power, network, and HVAC services. The business continuity and disaster recovery plans for the AWS services have been independently validated as part of their SOC 2 Type 2 report and ISO 27001 certification. AWS’s compliance documentation and audit reports are publicly available on the AWS Cloud Compliance Page and the AWS Artifacts Portal.

What is A2P?

A2P10 DLC is a phone number registration process mandated by the United States government, specifically through The Campaign Registry (TCR). It is a required registration process for any business or individual engaging with a U.S. audience via outbound SMS. The purpose is to ensure legitimacy and adherence to guidelines when sending marketing and promotional text messages. If you are sending messages outside of the US then this would not apply.

Do you only provide services within the US?

No, we also provide services to Canada and have dedicated Account Managers within Canada

I am on the Basic Package, can I upgrade my services?

Yes, you can upgrade your services at any time. 

Is there a community or resources available if I need assistance?

Yes, we have a Client Portal that acts as a community for all users and provides guides and how-to videos. To join, click here.

Do you build websites?

Yes we do! 

What is MogulDirect?

MogulDirect is a direct mailing service we offer to our clients. You can learn more on our products page: Mogul Direct

What is Mogul AiBot

Our team provides two services when it comes to our AI Bot. We can add our chat widget to your company’s website and we use our AI Bot to answer all of the chats that come in via your website. The other service we offer is completely building a curated bot for your business. You can learn more about both options on our products page: Mogul AI Assistant